The fishing in Far North Queensland is fantastic, and around Lockhart River you can catch all sorts of tropical reef and ocean fish, including Coral trout, Salmon, Nannygai, Spanish mackerel, Barramundi, Flowery Rockcod, Giant trevally, Queenfish, Parrotfish, and Black jewfish. Please visit the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA) website for details on the areas where fishing is allowed.
You can fish from your boat, line fish from the beaches, creeks, estuaries and rivers, and you can also spearfish out on the Great Barrier Reef. These waters also have plenty of fish, crayfish, prawns, scallops and other fishy delights. The best places to launch your boat are the boat ramps at Quintell Beach and Portland Road. Bait is also available from local vendors.



Portland Roads

Restoration Island